Nearly a dozen years ago, I left my job working for Mrs. Laura Bush in the East Wing of The White House to join my husband on his military adventure. Six moves and two kids later, I can assure you this journey has looked nothing like I expected, but the twists and turns have given me deep belly laughs, painful tears, and dozens of stories to share. You can read those on my blog, “All the Things: Stories from the roads between 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and Knob Noster, Missouri.”
I’ve been writing since my parents gave me a purple diary for my 8th birthday, the same year I attended second grade in three different states because the Air Force moved my dad from D.C. to Arizona to Utah. My love for finding just the right word began as childhood stories and spilled into journalism in high school and college. After a stint writing press releases on Capitol Hill, I learned the art of Presidential correspondence and soon discovered good writing opens countless doors, including the one to my dream job as a speechwriter. Along the way, I discovered the joy and the satisfaction of using my skills to help others. If what we say matters, it matters that we say it well. I’m passionate about equipping communicators with the words, the skills, and the plans to use their platform wisely. I love listening to clients dream big and working alongside them to develop strategic plans to navigate their way forward.
When I came to the intersection of career, marriage, and motherhood, I realized what matters most to me isn’t doing it all – it’s doing what matters well. That meant defining my priorities and living accordingly. I chose to step back from a full-time career and go “all in” on motherhood. It’s a messy, exhausting season, but the sleepless nights and potty training fiascos are finite, as are the minutes I have with my girls. No matter where they go or how much they grow, I want them to hear my voice in their head, cheering loudly. I want them to close their eyes and picture me starting dance parties in the kitchen. And I want them to have pages and pages of my heart on paper – so one day, when they don’t hear my voice they’ll read my words.
Every decision at any crossroads passes through a filter of three questions: “What do I believe? Am I living it? Or am I believing what I live?” Believing what I live elevates emotions or circumstances, allowing the narrative of the life around me to dictate my thoughts, words, and actions. Living what I believe anchors my thoughts, words and actions in my faith in God and His unchanging Word. How we live matters just as much as what we say, so I’m passionate about equipping women to know what they believe by studying the Bible and about building a community of encouragers who change the world through their words and their lives.
I share anecdotes and stories with my friends through my blog, so be sure to subscribe here. I like to work with my friends, so if you’d like to partner with me, you can send me an email here or fill out the form below!