All posts by: Katye Riselli

April is Month of the Military Child, and all month long I’ve read articles and watched outstanding public service announcements celebrating the resilience of military kids. More often than not, I get a little emotional because this is the story...
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I jotted a few thoughts on comparison — about chasing illusions rather than living bravely. If I’m honest, I have a shoe problem, not unlike Cinderella’s stepsisters. To refresh your memory, Anastasia and Drizella could not fit their feet into Cinderella’s...
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I think we’ve all had that moment: we look at the life before us and think, “This isn’t what I signed up for… this isn’t what I wanted… or this isn’t how I expected it to be….” Those moments give me...
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I love Valentine’s Day.  One entire day dedicated to love.  A day full of beautiful words. I’ve met more than one person who disdains Valentine’s Day, and every single scoffer has their own shtick as to why. That’s their prerogative.  ...
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I want to be at the beach. Winter and I have a love hate relationship. I love to hate winter. I appreciate winter, but at the end of this gypsy Air Force life we’re living, rest assured that you will...
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There’s never a good time to talk about grief. Why talk about sad when I’m happy? And when I’m sad, or the skies are grey, I’m often looking for happy, so wrestling the topic of grief isn’t usually high on...
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Here in Casa Riselli, we’ve spent much of 2016 awaiting something. We’ve waited with great anticipation for all manner of events and visitors and change. My smallest asked repeatedly if it was her birthday yet? My oldest asked when, oh...
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It was late. The girls were asleep. It was quiet. We’d turned the kitchen lights off so the living room lamps left only a dim light. And the near darkness seemed to match my mood.   Several months into winter, sunlight...
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“Are we there yet?” Last week as we drove across wide open Wyoming, the routine comment from the backseat made me laugh. My husband and I had been discussing the upcoming election and her question certainly applied: Is it November...
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Earlier this year I had this image of a sponge full of water, left in the kitchen sink, over night. It’s a familiar image, as I’ve discovered just such a sponge in my sink more than once. That sponge is...
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