Posts filed under: Perspective

Note: This is a blog with a “longer than recommended” word count.  So, in case you need the short version, here’s the BLUF (bottom line up front): Want to know how to survive hard holidays? Do it together.  2020 has...
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My recent article about the upcoming election surprised some friends who asked why I write about faith and politics.  Why wade into the topics others prefer to avoid?  I’d like to offer a peek inside my head. Why I write...
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I am reminded daily why we need friends.  We’re more connected than ever through social media, cell phones, and text messages.  But we’re starving for connection. We need friends who do more than like a post or comment that they’re...
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On Patriot Day we remember and honor those who perished in the attacks of September 11, 2001, but many young Americans, like my girls, have no memory of that calm Tuesday morning. They deserve to know more than simply a...
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Do you ever consider yourself desperate?  I’ve been rereading passages in Unseen by my friend Sara Hagerty where she points out the desperate Mary of Bethany. In her account of Mary’s messy, beautiful, desperation for Jesus, Sara’s words invite readers...
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I jotted a few thoughts on comparison — about chasing illusions rather than living bravely. If I’m honest, I have a shoe problem, not unlike Cinderella’s stepsisters. To refresh your memory, Anastasia and Drizella could not fit their feet into Cinderella’s...
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