All posts by: katyeriselli

I am reminded daily why we need friends.  We’re more connected than ever through social media, cell phones, and text messages.  But we’re starving for connection. We need friends who do more than like a post or comment that they’re...
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Live What You Believe #SongSunday “Tightrope” Did you know that there’s an anthem for life as a military spouse? The hazard of learning the songs to a musical before actually seeing the musical is that you learn the music out...
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I keep waiting for the late shows to include a “Top 10 tips for life as a military spouse.” Or perhaps 10 acronyms and what they really mean.  For more than a decade I’ve been writing notes welcoming spouses to...
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My girls are back in school today. Hallelujah, my house is quiet. I can think. There will not be a preschooler meltdown for several hours. I lost track of the meltdowns over the holiday break. EPIC. Every tantrum began with...
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