Note: This is a blog with a “longer than recommended” word count. So, in case you need the short version, here’s the BLUF (bottom line up front): Want to know how to survive hard holidays? Do it together. 2020 has...
In Acts 1, Jesus’ disciples are tired of waiting. Reeling from the revelation of his resurrection, they’re inquisitive and impatient. They expect the risen Jesus to restore his kingdom. I imagine at least one of them said, “Hurry up!” And...
Do you ever consider yourself desperate? I’ve been rereading passages in Unseen by my friend Sara Hagerty where she points out the desperate Mary of Bethany. In her account of Mary’s messy, beautiful, desperation for Jesus, Sara’s words invite readers...
For most of us, the month of May is sheer madness. It’s an all out free-for-all, calendar cramming, mayhem. It’s probably busier than the holidays, but there are no gifts. Without fail, by mid- May I seriously question my scheduling sanity....
I jotted a few thoughts on comparison — about chasing illusions rather than living bravely. If I’m honest, I have a shoe problem, not unlike Cinderella’s stepsisters. To refresh your memory, Anastasia and Drizella could not fit their feet into Cinderella’s...
Here in Casa Riselli, we’ve spent much of 2016 awaiting something. We’ve waited with great anticipation for all manner of events and visitors and change. My smallest asked repeatedly if it was her birthday yet? My oldest asked when, oh...
Our house has been brimming with expectation for weeks: a birthday, the very first day of preschool, the first day of Kindergarten, the return of college football. These are big milestones in Casa Riselli. And as dinner conversation turns from what...