To build resiliency, build connection.  Success requires including military spouses. That’s my answer to the urgent call to build resiliency in our Air Force.   There is a direct correlation between connection and resiliency. (There’s also a direct correlation between connection and...
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I am reminded daily why we need friends.  We’re more connected than ever through social media, cell phones, and text messages.  But we’re starving for connection. We need friends who do more than like a post or comment that they’re...
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Once asked to define life as a military spouse in 4 words or less, I quipped: “Hurry up and wait.”  There’s little grace to the messy madness we call “normal.”  We hurry all day every day to be ready now,...
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In Acts 1, Jesus’ disciples are tired of waiting.  Reeling from the revelation of his resurrection, they’re inquisitive and impatient.  They expect the risen Jesus to restore his kingdom. I imagine at least one of them said, “Hurry up!”  And...
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On Patriot Day we remember and honor those who perished in the attacks of September 11, 2001, but many young Americans, like my girls, have no memory of that calm Tuesday morning. They deserve to know more than simply a...
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This weekend I’m hopping on a plane for a reunion with colleagues from the Bush-Cheney Administration.  When I first left Washington, D.C. a decade ago, I knew my time there had provided unparalleled lessons for life. I had a front...
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One summer we trekked more than 1500 miles to our new home in a new town.  As we traded our shorts and flip-flops for jeans, I rehearsed in my mind all the reasons this would certainly be the worst Air...
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The hazard of being a third generation military spouse is the assumption I knew what I was getting into when I married my active duty husband.  For context, my dad retired when I was in high school and my life...
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Last week I had the honor of serving as the keynote speaker for the Whiteman AFB Spouses’ Club Scholarship Dinner & Awards ceremony.  As an advisor to the WSC Board, I have a front row seat to the tireless efforts by...
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A couple years ago, through the kindness of a friend, I found myself sitting with publishers and literary agents, pitching a book of my stories about rediscovering faith.   I believed it was a divine appointment so I walked in confidently.  ...
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