Do you ever consider yourself desperate? I’ve been rereading passages in Unseen by my friend Sara Hagerty where she points out the desperate Mary of Bethany. In her account of Mary’s messy, beautiful, desperation for Jesus, Sara’s words invite readers...
Live What You Believe #SongSunday “Tightrope” Did you know that there’s an anthem for life as a military spouse? The hazard of learning the songs to a musical before actually seeing the musical is that you learn the music out...
Live What You Believe #FeatureFriday For quite some time I’ve wanted to share mini profiles about people in my life who lived in such a way that sparked my motivation to refine what I believe and endeavor to live what...
Today is September 12th The sign on the wall outside the CIA Mission Center for Counterterrorism reads, “Today is September 12, 2001.” In this article, the former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell lauded the efforts that began on September 12,...
I keep waiting for the late shows to include a “Top 10 tips for life as a military spouse.” Or perhaps 10 acronyms and what they really mean. For more than a decade I’ve been writing notes welcoming spouses to...
I’m unsettled. Lately, this restlessness has manifested in our home with rearranging furniture, painting an accent wall, cleaning out the medicine cabinet at 10pm, and organizing the space under my sink. I suspect most military spouses can identify what prompted these...
For most of us, the month of May is sheer madness. It’s an all out free-for-all, calendar cramming, mayhem. It’s probably busier than the holidays, but there are no gifts. Without fail, by mid- May I seriously question my scheduling sanity....
It started in the hallway of a noisy, crowded dance studio. I wanted to DO something and so I did what I always do – I dreamt big and pitched an idea – what if we bring a New York...
One night, a few minutes after saying good night to my girls, I walked back into apologize to the oldest. “I’m sorry I was out of patience at bedtime, and I’m sorry if it felt like I was out of...
A few years ago at the end of a women’s conference, the speaker asked the audience to stand according to their ages. She spoke specific wisdom to each group, charging them for their season of life. She charged those younger...