Posts filed under: Military

The hazard of being a third generation military spouse is the assumption I knew what I was getting into when I married my active duty husband.  For context, my dad retired when I was in high school and my life...
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Last week I had the honor of serving as the keynote speaker for the Whiteman AFB Spouses’ Club Scholarship Dinner & Awards ceremony.  As an advisor to the WSC Board, I have a front row seat to the tireless efforts by...
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Live What You Believe #SongSunday “Tightrope” Did you know that there’s an anthem for life as a military spouse? The hazard of learning the songs to a musical before actually seeing the musical is that you learn the music out...
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Live What You Believe #FeatureFriday For quite some time I’ve wanted to share mini profiles about people in my life who lived in such a way that sparked my motivation to refine what I believe and endeavor to live what...
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I keep waiting for the late shows to include a “Top 10 tips for life as a military spouse.” Or perhaps 10 acronyms and what they really mean.  For more than a decade I’ve been writing notes welcoming spouses to...
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It started in the hallway of a noisy, crowded dance studio. I wanted to DO something and so I did what I always do – I dreamt big and pitched an idea – what if we bring a New York...
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A couple weeks ago when I was asked to speak about the ups and downs of life as a military spouse, I had a mild panic attack. (I MUCH prefer to write speeches for someone else.) But I said yes...
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I jotted a few thoughts on comparison — about chasing illusions rather than living bravely. If I’m honest, I have a shoe problem, not unlike Cinderella’s stepsisters. To refresh your memory, Anastasia and Drizella could not fit their feet into Cinderella’s...
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Our house has been brimming with expectation for weeks: a birthday, the very first day of preschool, the first day of Kindergarten, the return of college football. These are big milestones in Casa Riselli. And as dinner conversation turns from what...
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